Sunday, November 25, 2012


Handball is an underratedly fantastic game to watch live. It's boring on TV. (I can personally vouch for that, as handball was by far the most televised olympic sport here in Denmark. It's kind of a big deal.) The Danish public seems pretty obsessed with the sport. We went to a random game on a Wednesday night; the place was absolutely packed.
Any sporting event that has the players walk out to this is tops in my book.
Pictured: Totally normal fanfare for a game that's basically hand soccer.
It's a delightfully fast-paced game to watch.
Guesses on what this is?
To explain the above picture: when we arrived there were what appeared to be posters on all our seats, made out of cardstock, with fold lines on it. We thought this was odd. When the players started to walk out, and we were greeted with a mighty thunder of clapping, we realized what these posters were for. They're one-handed clapping devices. This means that with one hand you can be eating a hotdog or enjoying a Carlsberg, while still applauding with the other. And this is important, because during the game you simply do not stop clapping.
Long story short, handball is awesome.

Here's some bonus footage illustrating how intense Danes get during handball games. The announcers are so into it.

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