The time that I've been simultaneously dreading and looking forward to has finally come. Tomorrow I will be on my way back to Denmark, this time for an extremely long 13 months. And as I'm sure no one will be surprised to hear, packing is still well under way. But that's not the point of this post; the point is to give a shout-out to all the people I've said goodbye to over the past few weeks, whether in person or on the phone. All of you have played a huge part in my life, and are making it both easier and yet incredibly hard to leave.(If your picture isn't here, please don't feel slighted- I don't have good pictures of a lot of you, and I'm sorry for that.)
Obviously the Koch People get top billing. You guys are the best- thanks for all the support and patience. I'm already excited for your visit. |
To the ladies of 117, thanks for hanging with me for 4 years. It should be even easier to put up with me when you don't see me every day. |
Davis, I'm going to miss you kid. Our hedges still need trimming. Life won't be the same without you as a fifth roommate. |
Grandma, Grandpa and Barbara, so glad you could make it this weekend. Can't wait to tell you all about my adventures! |
Grandma and Opa, thanks for a great boat ride. See you on Christmas Eve! |
Jake, KMac, Bailey and Jojo, I can't think of four people I'd rather await the end of the world with. See you in December. |
JP and Jonny, your philosophy and facial hair will leave an empty void in my life. |
Dearest Elizabeth, we are the studliest ladies and/or gentlemen in the world. I cannot wait to Skype you whilst watching Britcoms. Becca, you're pretty cool too. |
Peps, don't hit your head. (Or get smallpox). |
Aunt Julie and David, I'm so glad I got to see you before I left. |
Casey (and Jody), I'm so so excited to Skype with you guys. |
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Ladies of Kinnelon, we didn't get to hang out enough this summer. Sorry. |
Fhatay, this is the oldest picture in the world, but it still makes me smile. |
Hi Carol! So glad you stopped by! |
Matt and Dan, Keep the bromance alive, and get ready for an epic reunion in December. |
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