As a DIS intern, I am contractually obliged to lead at least one trip during my 13 month stint. This may be the best part of the whole contract. This weekend I made my first foray into leading trips that are not strictly wilderness outings. Luckily I got to ease into this new role by leading an adventure trip, so for most of the time I was on familiar outdoorsy ground. St. Michael's Wilderness Program, you trained me well.
Now without further ado, the Sweden canoeing and hiking trip, mostly in pictures.
Jonas, the front man of the winning canoe, aka my canoe. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but this had a lot to do with my masterful steering. Thanks for all your instructions Pop. |
We made some fluffy new friends while waiting for everyone to arrive at the landing point. |
We got to go back to Ladonia. |
Ladonia was a big hit. And as the highly professional tour guide I am, I did some pretty intense research on the 'sovereign nation'. Some fun facts:
- Its national anthem is the sound of a rock being thrown into water.
- Ladonia is currently at war with Sweden, the U.S.A., and San Marino.
- There are two words in the Ladonian language- 'waaaaaaaaal' and 'yp'. No idea what they mean.
- Citizenship to Ladonia is free. In a rather amusing misunderstanding, back in 2002, Ladonia began receiving a huge amount of citizenship applications from residents of Pakistan. It turns out that they were under the impression that this was a quick, easy and legitimate way to move to Europe. Oops.
Happy students climbing in Nimis. |
Inside Arx, a cement castle-like structure in Ladonia. |
Back at the hostel, playing the Viking game before dinner. |
Grilling and chilling with the best bus driver ever, Rene. |
Listening attentively to directions on rappelling. |
James Bond level intensity right here, and this is only the practice cliff. |
That thing in the middle. We rappelled down it. It was intense. |
That little building on top of the hill is the Kullaberg Lighthouse, home to the brightest light in Sweden, or so I hear. |
Over the edge... |
Orienterring, aka walking to our first swimming location. |
The second swimming location. Ideal, except for the presence of jellyfish.
In all, an amazing trip. Good times were had by all. Everyone agreed that Scandinavia was a better place for not brooking frivolous lawuits. Perhaps DIS graduates will be able to break the U.S. of it's unfortunate habit to sue at the least provocation.
Word of the Day: (Actually, two for the price of one!)
Vandmand: A non-stinging jellyfish. Pronounced 'von-mon' with a slight Jamaican accent.
Brandmand: A stinging jellyfish. Pronounced 'bron-mon'. Also with a slight Jamaican flavor.
These may seem like odd words for me to have learned, but to make long story short, I had the misfortune to encounter a brandmand while minding my own business out in the Baltic. For future reference, get vinegar on jellyfish stings, and do it fast. I had to wait 5 hours until I got home to my vinegar supplies. T'was unpleasant.
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