I know everyone says this, but I have to say it anyway: Prague is beautiful. the nine hours I spent there was not nearly long enough, even though I got a private tour from a local (which was awesome). It was really cool to get off the beaten, touristy path and see where real people hang out. But that being said, the touristy stuff is touristy for a reason. Because it's gorgeous. It also has a very interesting history, which I got to hear all about.
I also completely lucked out with the weather. It was so nice to have a completely sunny day for a change. such a breath of fresh air after the perpetually dark and damp weather of lovely Copenhagen.
The Clock Tower. |
The Charles Bridge. If you squint you can see the castle in the background. |
On the Charles Bridge. (Fun fact: it was specifically designed to be big enough to old jousting tournaments. Seems like a reasonable design constraint.) |
On the streets. Where I spent a lot of time being lost. I've never had more navigational problems in a city, but my directional senses completely failed me in Prague. Which was actually fine with me: I got to see some places I might otherwise not have. |
A view of the city from the top of the model Eifel Tower. Because yes, a model Eifel Tower on a hill is something every self-respecting city should have. |
The castle. I hear this is the largest castle in Europe. I haven't bothered to verify this fact, because I trust everything my private guide, Honza, told me. |
Inside the cathedral, which is inside the castle. |
Just some penguin statues on the edge of the river. Because why not. |
The penguins are on an island called Kampa, which holds a really cute, old-looking neighborhood. And in that neighborhood is a bar, in an old mill. We stopped there to enjoy a nice pivo (beer), and check out the bar counter, which was made by the pretty (in)famous Czech artist, David Černý. I encourage you to Google him. He definitely has a sense of humor, that carries into his work. I enjoy him. Unfortunately I didn't remember to take a picture of the bar though.
And here's Good King Wenceslas. Honza tells me that one of the most popular places in the city to meet up with your friends is under the horse's tail. So if you're ever in Prague and someone tells you to meet them 'under the tail', you'll know where to go. |
Wenceslas Square is huge, and is used as a meething place by the populace on important occasions. So when the first president of the Czech Republic died, within a few hours people were already gathering there, lighting candles in his honor. since the Czech Republic only got complete independence quite recently, the first president, Václav Havel, was much beloved by the citizens.
Prague by night. Beautiful. |