Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Czech It Out: Český Ráj

Český ráj is located northeast of Prague in the Czech Republic. If I haven't been grievously misinformed, it translates to 'Bohemian Paradise'. And paradise is an apt description of it. It's an absolutely beautiful area, full of trees and hills and particularly remarkable for its sandstone outcrops and formations. It's become increasingly clear to me that city life is not really my cup of tea, so it was refreshing to get out into nature, get dirty, and hang out with some real outdoorsy folk for a change. Basically, it was a great trip and I'm already looking into going back.
But now, pictures. There are a lot. Sorry.
Arriving after an overnight bus ride. Already falling in love with the countryside.
Let the games begin. Team slack-lining.
We played a lot of very silly icebreaking games. This one involved using a rubber ring attached to ropes to pick up a coffee can. Hilarity ensued.
Castle. Not an uncommon sight.
Strolling through the woods.
Woods, continued.
A lake. (Everything here was annoyingly picturesque, hence the plethora of pictures.)
Would ya look at that. Another castle.
Looks like a nice spot for a book and some coffee.
Climbing a nice sandstone crag at Malá Skála.
Artsy shot of the woods.
Yet another castle.
The site of our canoeing adventure. And of several capsizions. It was intense.
Things I've never encountered before: a dessert dumpling. Mom, you would be proud; I ate and somewhat enjoyed both blueberries and salmon. Not both at once.
Another great game- seeing who can hug a tree the longest. It's surprisingly tiring.
Adventuring through the rocks at night. Quite exciting.
This about sums it up for the adventuring part of the trip. It was everything I hoped for, and more. As far as I'm concerned, I lucked out and ended up in both of the groups who wound up clambering around on a scavenger hunt and canoeing at night. That added a whole new aspect of excitement to already cool activities.
Shout out to my new buddies at Outdoor Discovery! If anyone is planning a trip to the Czech Republic, definitely look them up. You won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. I've never been here! I think whenever next I go to the CZ I'll have to stop here. If at least to have those dessert dumplings.
