Monday, November 15, 2010

Karneval in Köln

First of all, apologies for the almost complete lack of pictures. It was raining, and rain and cameras don't get along. That being said, despite the rain, a glorious time was had by all. After an essentially non-existent Halloween in Berlin, this more than made up for it. Picture Halloween in America, but instead of children dressing up, it was adults, college-aged and older, who had taken off work and were reveling in the streets. Instead of frightening costumes, they were amusing ones, and instead of creepy sound effects there was techno and oompa band music. Basically it was an exceptional day.
Hey there Köln.
Check these people out. Fun times.
I met an extremely jocular oompa band on the train back to Leverkusen. And talked to them auf Deutsch. Good, good times.

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